hello guys. in this tutorial i will show you how to make an air craft on google skechup like this picture bellow.

to make that model i use dassault rafale b blue print. you can download it here 

here plugin tool that i used in this tutorial

OK Lets start the tutorial

Step 1
Import dassault rafale b blue print in the google sktechup

Step 2
Copy the blue print and put it on the left side, front side and top side like this picture

Step 3
Make rectangle to draw the projection of the air craft blue print like this picture.

Step 4
Draw the projection each side of the air craft blue print

Step 5
Presspull the projection and then use intersect command to make intersection between three side of the blue print projection like this picture bellow

 So here the result of intersection between three side of blue print projection

Step 6
Use projection tool to make partition of the air craft

And then use intersect command to make partition shaped following air craft body

Step 7
Make editing at each partitions like this picture bellow

Step 8
Use curviloft tool to make body of the air craft based on the shape of each partions. It showed in this picture bellow

And here the result

Step 9
Make projection at the window of the cockpit like picture bellow

Step 10
Add interior and weapon to the air craft

here the complete result of the dassault rafale b air craft

And this picture bellow is the result using  V-ray rendering

Ok gusy. thanks fo visit my blog and i hope this tutorial will help you to learn google sketchup
