1. How to move an Object

how to move an object on sktechup is very easy. first, we make here something object like a box or another object . like a picture below

then just select an object with left click an object 3 time, so whole face on an object will selected. if  you select just 1 face on an object it will move just 1 face that you selected. not the whole face

using a move tool  or you can type M on the keyboard, move an object corresponding desired axis line

and done. For additional course when you want to move objects on a particular axis and do not want to interfere with the movement of a cursor that is not straight, so you just hold SHIFT
when you will move the object so that the object to be moved straight in accordance with the desired axis

2. copy an object

for copy an object there is no direct tool on sketchup. so just follow the instruction below

first,  you  make an object as you like. on this picture bellow i make a pyramid shape

then,  select an object that you will be copy and click move tool   or you just type M on keyboard. after that type CTRL on keyboard to copy an object

after that just put an object on desired axis line and done

3. Rotate an object

to rotate an object you must make an object that you want to rotate. then you just click rotate tool or just type Q on keyboard. choose which position that you will to rotate and rotate it

 to make the result of the angle  is precision. you just type the number of degree on keyboard, so an object will rotated on the position degree that you type

4. copy on circle

here we will copy an object on circle pattern.
first, you make an object and make straight line as radius like an picture bellow.

after that select that object and just click rotate tool   or type Q on keyboard. then press CTRL to copy that object. choose the position to rotate an object on the center of the circle radius and rotate it  like picture bellow

if you want there are 12 object on the circle pattern, so you must divide 360 degree with 12 and the result is 30 degree. that is the space degree between an object on circle pattern. so insert that number while you copy an object. just repeated that step until there are 12 object on circle pattern. and done

5.  Mirror

to mirror an object you just select an object then right click and choose flip along

on the flip along  there are 3 option that you can choose that is red , green, and blue axis. the meaning of then option is when you choose the red direction so an object will reverse on the red direction  like picture bellow

if you choose green direction so an object will reverse on the green direction

if you choose blue direction so an object will reverse on the blue direction

6. intersect  object

intersect command  is give intersection line between 2 object or more while that object touch each other.
first step is we make 2 object and make group every object

on that picture i will cut the donut shape based on second shape. so i move the second shape touching on the donate and then you just get in to donate shape group and select it then right click and choose intersect with model.

after that remove face that result of the intersection and you get picture like this
