Hello guys... in this tutorial i will show you how to make a curtain on google sktechup like this picture

here the plugin tool that i used in this tutorial

Ok guys, Lets start the tutorial and enjoy it,,

step 1
make rectangle and divide it like this picture

step 2
draw pattern of the curtain like this picture. you can draw any pattern as you like.

step 3
select part of the curtain like this picture bellow and make a group

after that, rotate each part at 45 degree like this picture.

step 4
make straight line at back of the curtain

step 5
make group based on the pattern  like this picture

step 6
smooth the surface using subdivided and smooth tool 

step 7
explode all group and make editing on the side of curtain like picture bellow

step 8
scale the curtain so it looks like this picture bellow

step 9
divide the curtain using 

step 10
make editing like this picture bellow using fredo scale tool 

and give it the color as you like

and this is the final result.

ok guys thanks for visiting my blogg and i hope this tutorial is very usefull for you...
