In this tutorial I will explain to you how to divide camera scene on google sketchup make version.
To divide camera scene on google sketchup there are some plugin tool called advance camera tool that have many feature to setting camera view on google sketchup. But this plugin tool only on google sketchup pro version. So if you are google sketchup make version user, you  cannot use this plugin tool.
If you are google sketchup make user, don’t worry about that. There are some plugin tool on google sketchup make version that have same function like advanced camera tool on google sketchup pro. This plugin tool called RND Rescene tool

This tutorial bellow will show you how to use this plugin tool on google sketchup make version.

1. Click on rescene tool and choose add

2. Set your camera posision as you like and then right click on scene tab and choose update

3. If you change the camera position and you want to change the camera position back to position that have you set before. Just click on scene tab 1.

4. If you want to add more camera scene, just do step above again

downlad model here ( link download )
