OK guys,,, in this tutorial i will show you how to make a simple pillow on google sketchup like picture bellow.
here the plugin tools that i used in this tutorial
ok we start the tutorial and check this out.
Step 1
make rectangle like picture bellow
on the edge of rectangle, make litle rectangle like picture bellow
Step 3
make editing using fredo
Step 4
use vertex tool
Step 5
make editing like picture bellow using vertex tool
Step 6
use subdivided and smooth tool t
use undo command so the object back to normal. and make editing at the corner of pillow like this
Step 7
just do that step on the 3 edge left of the pillow, so the result is like picture bellow
Step 8
use subdivided and smooth tool
Step 9
use soap and skin bubble on both side of the pillow to make the pillow like this picture
Step 10
make editing using sculpt tool
and here the result using V ray rendering
and done.
OK guys. thanks for visiting my blogg and i hope this tutorial is very usefull for you...